Our students depend on us to keep them safe, help them find success and build connections that see them through their formative years.
Students of all ages require connection and assistance to make it through their school years. Support staff offer that, whether it’s the Administrative support staff comforting them in the office and ensuring they know what their schedules are and where they’re going, to the Education Assistants, who are in the classrooms working one-to-one with our students, helping them find success and inclusion. Our Student Support staff work tirelessly to help our students with their emotional needs and Advanced Educational Support staff work with our complex students to learn the skills they require to be with their peers. Learning Commons Facilitators help students with their literacy, textbook and computer lab needs, and give students a place to study and get help with their school work.
We are absolutely necessary to the school environments and to our students’ school success. Thanks for all you do!